Get fully compensated for the work you provide

Empanelment services empowering physicians to succeed in payment transformation

“Re-attributing our patients to our panel has resulted in significant improvements to our bottom-line and has resulted in improved population health outcomes for our patient population.”

-Marc Sim, Central Medical Clinic Administrator

We empower physicians with the business tools they need to provide optimal care to the individuals and communities they serve

1. Manage your patient panel with confidence

1. Manage your patient panel with confidence

On average, we find that roughly 10-15% of the patients you care for may be missing from your patient panel.

2. Reduce administrative burden

2. Reduce administrative burden

Researching and correcting patient attribution often requires significant effort and manual data entry

3. Enjoy an increase in monthly cashflow

3. Enjoy an increase in monthly cashflow

Get back your focus on high patient care as we maximize what you deserve to be paid


Schedule a free empanelment assessment

Learn how many patients may be missing from your panel and how much money you’re leaving on the table.


Receive your customized patient attribution plan of action

We will provide to you a custom solution aimed to improve your patient attribution


We execute on your custom patient attribution plan

Capture your true patient attribution and get paid for the services and care you provide


1585 Kapiolani Boulevard, Suite 1800
Honolulu, HI 96814
Phone: (808) 941-3363

Fax: (808) 949-0483